Monday, September 23, 2013

My Before

Here is my before picture. I was about 1 1/2 week post postpartum with baby #2. I never lost all the baby weight from my first one so I came into this pregnancy with a extra 30 lbs. I was 185 lbs before I got pregnant with #2 and ballooned to 240lbs!!!!!!!!

I was disgusted with myself! I can't believe I let myself get that big.
So I was determined to change. The hardest part was waiting 6 weeks to get the go ahead from the doctor to workout. So in the mean time, I drank tons of water, watched what I ate and breastfeeding helped big time!
By the end of May I was down to 208lbs! How exciting is that! Hardwork has starting to show and once I started working out even better results.
Left- 199lbs Middle- 188lbs Right- 179lbs

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe that you were ever that big. We are so proud of you, and you are such an inspiration to all of us!! Good job! Keep up the hard work.
